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RNAi screen result RNAPII IP (MG132) CSB IP CSB IP (MG132) Chrom. Chrom. (MG132) Ubi /Phospo Ubi /Phospho (MG132)

Protein Results:

Results for post-translational modifications (below)
Gene name MGoogle Score RNAi high RNAi low RNAPII-IP (MG132) CSB-IP CSB-IP (MG132) Chrom. Chrom. (MG132)
SETD2 3 -1.690 2.960 1.619 1.725 -0.978 0.379
WHSC1 2 1.030 -0.990
KMT2D 2 0.250 -0.290 -1.403 -0.404
SETD1B 1 2.330 -1.220
SETD1B 1 2.330 -1.220 0.612 0.369 0.153 -0.098 -0.141
SETD5 1 -0.680 1.590
SETD3 1 -0.570 0.790 4.968 0.048
SETD8 1 -0.030 0.060
SETD8 1 0.220 0.320
KMT2C 0 0.730 0.280 -1.099 0.032 -0.195
MECOM 0 0.130 -0.120 -0.189 0.565 -1.171
MECOM 0 0.740 -0.750 -0.189 0.565 -1.171
SETD1A 0 1.000 -0.490 0.612 0.369 0.153 -0.098 -0.141
SETD6 0 -0.570 1.220
EZH2 0 1.100 -0.960 0.524 0.464 -0.045
ASH1L 0 1.230 -0.360 -0.777 -0.350
PRDM2 0 0.440 -0.560
PRDM15 0 0.850 -0.870 0.483 0.466
PRDM16 0 -1.320 2.300 -0.189 0.565 -1.171
SETDB1 0 0.110 0.270
SETD7 0 -0.330 0.300
WHSC1L1 0 0.780 -0.870 -0.030 0.376
SUV39H2 0 -0.980 2.320 1.259 0.440
NSD1 0 -0.750 1.060 -0.118 -0.211
EHMT1 0 0.540 -0.340 -0.405 0.294 0.151
SMYD3 0 0.150 0.580

PTM Sites:

Back to Protein Results
Gene name PTM type PTM site UV UV (MG132) Sequence
ASH1L Phosphorylation S1748 -0.660 -0.694 _SIDAVIATASAPPSSS(ph)PGR_
EHMT1 Ubiquitylation K827 -0.048 0.076 _YLIK(gl)AGALVDPK_
EHMT1 Ubiquitylation K970 0.967 0.775 _DSDVTLKNK(gl)_
EZH2 Ubiquitylation K61 0.548 _TEILNQEWK(gl)QR_
EZH2 Phosphorylation S363 0.010 -0.733 _GRLPNNSS(ph)RPSTPTINVLESK_
EZH2 Phosphorylation S366 -0.266 -0.699 _GRLPNNSSRPS(ph)TPTINVLESK_
EZH2 Phosphorylation T367 0.320 -0.372 _LPNNSSRPST(ph)PTINVLESK_
EZH2 Phosphorylation T369 -0.911 _GRLPNNSSRPSTPT(ph)INVLESK_
EZH2 Phosphorylation T487 -0.501 -0.532 _VKESSIIAPAPAEDVDT(ph)PPR_
EZH2 Ubiquitylation K569 -0.974 _AQCNTK(gl)QCPCYLAVR_
EZH2 Ubiquitylation K713 -0.461 _IGIFAK(gl)R_
EZH2 Ubiquitylation K735 0.038 _YSQADALK(gl)YVGIER_
KMT2C Phosphorylation S2811 0.831 0.317 _TLVLSDKHS(ph)PQK_
KMT2C Phosphorylation S4034 -1.421 -1.557 _EEPPEPVPS(ph)PIIPILPSTAGK_
KMT2D Phosphorylation S373 -0.031 _FS(ph)PPEPGDTPTDEPDALYVACQGQPK_
KMT2D Phosphorylation T1261 0.575 _LCT(ph)DSLPETDDSLLCDAGTAISGGK_
KMT2D Ubiquitylation K1610 -0.606 _NLTM(ox)SPLHK(gl)R_
KMT2D Phosphorylation S1671 -0.219 -0.187 _LEGPVS(ph)PDVEPGKEETEESK_
KMT2D Phosphorylation T1843 -0.551 -0.988 _ADT(ph)PGPEDGGVK_
KMT2D Phosphorylation T1865 0.019 0.146 _ASPVPSDPEKPGT(ph)PGEGM(ox)LSSDLDR_
KMT2D Phosphorylation T2229 -0.146 -0.368 _PGAGQPGEFHTT(ph)PPGTPR_
KMT2D Phosphorylation S2239 0.516 _HQPS(ph)TPDPFLKPR_
KMT2D Phosphorylation T2240 0.562 -0.611 _HQPST(ph)PDPFLKPR_
KMT2D Phosphorylation S2274 -0.226 -0.352 _ASEPLLS(ph)PPPFGESR_
KMT2D Phosphorylation S2640 1.530 1.528 _SGITS(ph)PVEKR_
KMT2D Phosphorylation S3130 -0.430 -0.596 _VEEGGRHPS(ph)PCQFTIATPK_
KMT2D Phosphorylation S4359 0.300 0.037 _VS(ph)PAAAQLADTLFSK_
KMT2D Phosphorylation S4738 -0.391 -0.488 _ALS(ph)PVIPLIPR_
KMT2D Phosphorylation S4822 -0.518 0.106 _IPNSYEVLFPES(ph)PAR_
KMT2D Phosphorylation S4849 -0.135 2.378 _GLEGKS(ph)PDTGPDWLK_
MECOM Phosphorylation S62 -1.041 -0.744 _EGS(ph)PYKAPIYIPDDIPIPAEFELR_
MECOM Phosphorylation S1039 -0.074 0.136 _NFIGNSNHGSQS(ph)PR_
NSD1 Phosphorylation S1510 0.148 _TATS(ph)PKETVEEGVEHDPGMPASK_
NSD1 Phosphorylation S2471 -0.515 -0.677 _AAS(ph)PHQVTPQADEK_
PRDM16 Phosphorylation S62 -1.041 -0.744 _EGS(ph)PYKAPIYIPDDIPIPAEFELR_
PRDM16 Phosphorylation S1039 -0.074 0.136 _NFIGNSNHGSQS(ph)PR_
PRDM2 Phosphorylation S643 -0.387 -0.415 _TAS(ph)PPALPK_
PRDM2 Phosphorylation S739 -2.045 -0.921 _TSS(ph)PPSSPQHSPALR_
PRDM2 Phosphorylation S796 -0.200 -0.181 _ETVS(ph)PPCFDEYK_
PRDM2 Phosphorylation S1484 -0.692 _KPLS(ph)PPK_
PRDM6 Phosphorylation S68 0.643 0.662 _AEPPPDS(ph)LRPR_
SETD1A Phosphorylation S468 -0.398 -0.391 _S(ph)GSPAPETTNESVPFAQHSSLDSR_
SETD1A Phosphorylation S470 -0.480 _S(ph)GSPAPETTNESVPFAQHSSLDSR_
SETD1A Phosphorylation S915 -0.500 _PS(ph)TPAEEDEDDPEQEK_
SETD1A Phosphorylation T916 -0.121 -0.349 _PST(ph)PAEEDEDDPEQEK_
SETD1A Phosphorylation S1103 -0.612 -0.521 _VAGS(ph)PVTPLPEQEASPAR_
SETD1B Phosphorylation S468 -0.398 -0.391 _S(ph)GSPAPETTNESVPFAQHSSLDSR_
SETD1B Phosphorylation S470 -0.480 _S(ph)GSPAPETTNESVPFAQHSSLDSR_
SETD1B Phosphorylation S915 -0.500 _PS(ph)TPAEEDEDDPEQEK_
SETD1B Phosphorylation T916 -0.121 -0.349 _PST(ph)PAEEDEDDPEQEK_
SETD1B Phosphorylation S984 -0.021 0.430 _LRPS(ph)TSVDEEDEESERER_
SETD1B Phosphorylation S1103 -0.612 -0.521 _VAGS(ph)PVTPLPEQEASPAR_
SETD2 Phosphorylation S130 -0.443 _M(ox)EIGDTLSTAEES(ph)SPPK_
SETD2 Phosphorylation S131 -0.001 -0.163 _M(ox)EIGDTLSTAEESS(ph)PPK_
SETD2 Phosphorylation S624 0.374 0.432 _LNDS(ph)PTLKK_
SETD2 Phosphorylation S708 0.398 _TDAVLM(ox)TSDDSVTGSELS(ph)PLVK_
SETD2 Phosphorylation S742 -1.167 -1.779 _S(ph)ESPFRETEPLVSPHQDK_
SETD2 Phosphorylation S744 -0.557 _SES(ph)PFRETEPLVSPHQDK_
SETD2 Phosphorylation T1083 0.552 _NSTLPMEET(ph)SPCSSR_
SETD2 Phosphorylation S1084 -0.102 _NSTLPMEETS(ph)PCSSR_
SETD2 Phosphorylation T1872 -0.148 -1.034 _LSTEADTDT(ph)PKK_
SETD2 Phosphorylation S1885 0.110 _IIS(ph)ENSMDSAISDATSELEGK_
SETD2 Phosphorylation S1888 1.247 0.067 _IISENS(ph)M(ox)DSAISDATSELEGK_
SETD3 Ubiquitylation K439 -0.319 _ASLLLK(gl)TYK_
SETD5 Phosphorylation S609 2.009 0.795 _RS(ph)SQAGDIAAEK_
SETD5 Phosphorylation S610 2.009 0.872 _RS(ph)SQAGDIAAEK_
SETD6 Ubiquitylation K327 -0.155 _EAALQGTK(gl)TEAER_
SETD8 Ubiquitylation K234 2.165 _K(gl)SKAELQSEER_
SETD8 Ubiquitylation K236 -1.450 2.341 _SK(gl)AELQSEER_
SETD8 Ubiquitylation K267 2.000 _IDLIDGK(gl)GR_
SETD8 Ubiquitylation K275 2.687 _GVIATK(gl)QFSR_
SETD8 Ubiquitylation K342 1.991 _LINHSK(gl)CGNCQTK_
SETDB1 Ubiquitylation K597 -3.267 _GK(gl)NPLLVPLLYDFR_
SETDB1 Phosphorylation S1066 -0.816 -0.946 _NYGYNPS(ph)PVKPEGLR_
SMYD3 Ubiquitylation K42 0.263 _SDPLAYTVCK(gl)GSR_
SUV39H2 Ubiquitylation K129 0.974 _TLKPAIAEYIVK(gl)K_
SUV39H2 Ubiquitylation K130 0.678 0.667 _TLKPAIAEYIVKK(gl)_
SUV39H2 Phosphorylation S388 -0.691 -0.068 _GSGDISSDSIDHS(ph)PAKK_
WHSC1 Phosphorylation T49 -1.049 _GIGT(ph)PPNT(ph)TPIK_
WHSC1 Phosphorylation T54 -1.049 _GIGT(ph)PPNTT(ph)PIK_
WHSC1 Phosphorylation T483 -0.839 _RIQDPTEDAEAEDT(ph)PRK_
WHSC1L1 Phosphorylation S561 1.206 _NEKPTQSVSS(ph)PEATSGSTGSVEK_

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