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RNAi screen result RNAPII IP (MG132) CSB IP CSB IP (MG132) Chrom. Chrom. (MG132) Ubi /Phospo Ubi /Phospho (MG132)

Protein Results:

Results for post-translational modifications (below)
Gene name MGoogle Score RNAi high RNAi low RNAPII-IP (MG132) CSB-IP CSB-IP (MG132) Chrom. Chrom. (MG132)
TBC1D5 2 -0.140 -0.050
RABGAP1 0 0.710 -0.120
RABGAP1 0 1.120 -0.230
TBC1D23 0 -0.840 1.610
TBC1D22A 0 1.390 -0.970
TBC1D1 0 -0.180 -0.330
TBC1D1 0 0.000 -0.510
TBC1D10A 0 -1.100 1.590
SGSM3 0 0.600 -0.480
TBC1D17 0 0.860 -0.300
TBC1D13 0 0.310 -0.620
TBC1D9 0 0.180 -0.560
TBC1D19 0 0.240 -0.550
TBC1D30 0 0.100 -0.170
TBC1D15 0 1.750 -0.640
TBC1D15 0 1.750 -0.640 -0.881 0.294 -0.189
TBC1D4 0 1.700 -0.820 -0.137 -2.080
TBCK 0 1.920 -1.100
TBC1D7 0 0.000 1.060
TBC1D32 0 1.980 -0.240
USP6NL 0 1.020 -0.820
RABGAP1L 0 -1.420 1.940 1.088 0.815
RABGAP1L 0 -1.420 1.940
TBC1D31 0 -1.210 0.680
TBC1D24 0
TBC1D2B 0 -0.110 0.690 0.688 0.032
TBC1D2B 0 -0.110 0.690
TBC1D16 0 -0.470 0.540
TBC1D10B 0 -0.430 0.410 -2.265
TBC1D9B 0 -0.630 0.720

PTM Sites:

Back to Protein Results
Gene name PTM type PTM site UV UV (MG132) Sequence
RABGAP1 Ubiquitylation K598 0.572 _ILITK(gl)ESPQDSAITR_
RABGAP1 Phosphorylation T996 0.796 1.208 _EVLDEDT(ph)DEEKETLK_
RABGAP1L Phosphorylation S118 -0.865 _PS(ph)SPGGLPEEDSVLFNK_
RABGAP1L Phosphorylation S119 -0.647 -0.681 _PSS(ph)PGGLPEEDSVLFNK_
SGSM3 Ubiquitylation K730 -1.056 _EAQQPLK(gl)EGVR_
TBC1D1 Phosphorylation S237 0.074 0.459 _SFS(ph)QPGLR_
TBC1D1 Phosphorylation S649 -0.335 _ANHLGDS(ph)GGTPVK_
TBC1D10A Phosphorylation S407 -1.359 _AILDAEPGPRPALQPS(ph)PSIR_
TBC1D10B Phosphorylation S22 -1.513 -1.692 _HGAPAAPS(ph)PPPR_
TBC1D10B Phosphorylation T148 -0.619 -1.612 _TEEARPSPAPGPGT(ph)PTGTPTR_
TBC1D10B Phosphorylation T150 -2.126 -1.244 _TEEARPSPAPGPGTPT(ph)GTPTR_
TBC1D10B Phosphorylation T152 -1.067 -1.764 _PSPAPGPGT(ph)PTGT(ph)PTR_
TBC1D10B Ubiquitylation K368 -0.237 _AK(gl)AWQYLSNSK_
TBC1D10B Phosphorylation S658 -0.967 -0.512 _RQQPPLGPSSS(ph)LLSLPGLK_
TBC1D10B Phosphorylation S661 -0.941 _QQPPLGPSSSLLS(ph)LPGLK_
TBC1D10B Phosphorylation S678 -1.354 -1.258 _AAGGAPS(ph)PPPPVRR_
TBC1D10B Phosphorylation S687 -2.149 -2.490 _RAS(ph)AGPAPGPVVTAEGLHPSLPSPTGNSTPLGSSK_
TBC1D13 Phosphorylation S184 -0.629 -0.472 _SGVTNMSS(ph)PHK_
TBC1D15 Ubiquitylation K68 -0.532 0.150 _K(gl)DSSSVVEWTQAPK(gl)ER_
TBC1D15 Phosphorylation S78 0.938 0.734 _KDS(ph)SSVVEWTQAPK_
TBC1D15 Ubiquitylation K81 -0.789 -0.376 _K(gl)DSSSVVEWTQAPK(gl)ER_
TBC1D15 Ubiquitylation K190 -0.064 _YVVLCESPQDK(gl)R_
TBC1D15 Phosphorylation S209 0.435 0.875 _S(ph)LSQSFENLLDEPAYGLIQK_
TBC1D15 Phosphorylation S211 0.600 0.860 _SLS(ph)QSFENLLDEPAYGLIQK_
TBC1D15 Phosphorylation S213 0.399 0.717 _SLSQS(ph)FENLLDEPAYGLIQK_
TBC1D15 Ubiquitylation K239 -0.955 -0.233 _IK(gl)KDPYTATMIGFSK_
TBC1D15 Ubiquitylation K240 -0.650 0.768 _IK(gl)KDPYTATMIGFSK_
TBC1D15 Ubiquitylation K369 0.406 _FLLGYFPWDSTK(gl)EER_
TBC1D15 Ubiquitylation K413 0.215 _SLIEK(gl)DVNR_
TBC1D15 Ubiquitylation K616 -0.016 _AEAISLQMVK(gl)CK_
TBC1D15 Ubiquitylation K618 0.350 _AEAISLQMVKCK(gl)_
TBC1D15 Phosphorylation S666 -0.341 -0.052 _NDS(ph)PTQIPVSSDVCR_
TBC1D15 Phosphorylation T668 -0.497 _NDSPT(ph)QIPVSSDVCRLT(ph)PA_
TBC1D15 Phosphorylation T680 -0.662 _NDS(ph)PTQIPVSSDVCRLT(ph)PA_
TBC1D16 Phosphorylation T99 -5.039 -1.056 _YIT(ph)PESS(ph)PVR_
TBC1D16 Phosphorylation S103 -5.039 -1.056 _YIT(ph)PESS(ph)PVR_
TBC1D17 Ubiquitylation K22 0.036 1.050 _GGVYLHTSAK(gl)K_
TBC1D17 Ubiquitylation K23 0.018 _GGVYLHTSAKK(gl)_
TBC1D17 Ubiquitylation K303 1.080 0.218 _LQQVPELK(gl)NR_
TBC1D19 Ubiquitylation K20 -0.316 _LK(gl)GSNLYSQLER_
TBC1D22A Phosphorylation S167 0.330 0.432 _SQS(ph)LPHSATVTLGGTSDPSTLSSSALSER_
TBC1D23 Ubiquitylation K497 0.452 _MTVALKTK(gl)_
TBC1D23 Ubiquitylation K684 -0.336 _YLIPNAGDATK(gl)AIK_
TBC1D24 Ubiquitylation K266 -0.507 _AGQPLESDSVK(gl)QDIR_
TBC1D24 Phosphorylation S480 -1.967 -2.316 _HPELTKPPPLM(ox)AAEPTAPLSHSASSDPADRLS(ph)PFLAAR_
TBC1D2B Ubiquitylation K902 -0.606 _TILDARK(gl)_
TBC1D2B Phosphorylation S957 0.094 0.088 _DTSPDKGELVS(ph)DEEEDT_
TBC1D30 Phosphorylation S30 0.192 _LES(ph)QEEETIPAAPPAPR_
TBC1D30 Phosphorylation S114 0.531 0.396 _RRDS(ph)LDSSTEASGSDVVLGGR_
TBC1D30 Phosphorylation T795 -0.143 _T(ph)IEGQSPEPVFGDADVDVSAVQAK_
TBC1D31 Ubiquitylation K877 0.997 0.100 _LIEAGETQSQK(gl)TQK_
TBC1D32 Ubiquitylation K814 -0.815 _NQDLPNK(gl)TEYSLR_
TBC1D4 Phosphorylation S341 -0.345 -0.244 _HAS(ph)APSHVQPSDSEK_
TBC1D4 Phosphorylation S569 0.531 0.754 _SLTS(ph)SLENIFSR_
TBC1D4 Phosphorylation S570 0.511 0.509 _SLTSS(ph)LENIFSR_
TBC1D4 Phosphorylation S588 0.602 0.593 _LGS(ph)VDSFER_
TBC1D4 Phosphorylation S591 0.887 1.498 _LGSVDS(ph)FER_
TBC1D4 Phosphorylation S666 0.266 0.439 _AQGVRS(ph)PLLR_
TBC1D4 Phosphorylation S751 0.968 _TSS(ph)T(ph)CSNESLSVGGTSVTPR_
TBC1D4 Phosphorylation T752 0.968 _TSS(ph)T(ph)CSNESLSVGGTSVTPR_
TBC1D4 Phosphorylation S754 0.832 0.968 _TS(ph)STCS(ph)NESLSVGGTSVTPR_
TBC1D4 Phosphorylation S787 0.077 _VASPMNKS(ph)PSAMQQQDGLDR_
TBC1D5 Phosphorylation S43 -0.254 0.730 _RTS(ph)STLDSEGTFNSYR_
TBC1D5 Phosphorylation S44 1.016 0.433 _TSS(ph)TLDSEGTFNSYR_
TBC1D5 Ubiquitylation K168 0.859 _SMIEQDVK(gl)R_
TBC1D5 Ubiquitylation K448 0.316 _TNAK(gl)GAPLNINK_
TBC1D5 Phosphorylation S522 -1.352 -0.569 _SES(ph)MPVQLNK_
TBC1D5 Phosphorylation S561 3.787 _NISSS(ph)PSVESLPGGR_
TBC1D5 Phosphorylation S563 1.822 0.753 _NISSSPS(ph)VESLPGGR_
TBC1D5 Phosphorylation S566 0.618 _NISSSPSVES(ph)LPGGR_
TBC1D5 Phosphorylation T574 0.358 _EFT(ph)GSPPSSATK_
TBC1D5 Phosphorylation S576 0.284 0.163 _EFTGS(ph)PPSSATK_
TBC1D7 Ubiquitylation K118 -0.101 _MYQLESGK(gl)LPR_
TBC1D7 Ubiquitylation K165 0.026 _FVNQLNTK(gl)YR_
TBC1D9 Ubiquitylation K552 0.379 _SMGK(gl)YNLATEEIER_
TBC1D9B Phosphorylation S435 -1.785 -1.823 _ASVVDPSTESSPAPQEGSEQPASPAS(ph)PLSSR_
TBCK Ubiquitylation K756 -1.151 _ESIPLNDLK(gl)SEVSPR_
TBCK Phosphorylation S890 -0.025 0.175 _IKPTGLLTIPS(ph)PQI_
USP6NL Ubiquitylation K10 0.472 -0.742 _(ac)MNSDQDVALK(gl)LAQER_
USP6NL Phosphorylation S396 -0.213 -0.319 _SVGRPS(ph)PLASGR_
USP6NL Phosphorylation S714 -0.115 0.036 _IEVLPVDTGAGGYSGNS(ph)GSPK_
USP6NL Phosphorylation S716 0.006 -0.090 _IEVLPVDTGAGGYSGNSGS(ph)PK_

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