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RNAi screen result RNAPII IP (MG132) CSB IP CSB IP (MG132) Chrom. Chrom. (MG132) Ubi /Phospo Ubi /Phospho (MG132)

Protein Results:

Results for post-translational modifications (below)
Gene name MGoogle Score RNAi high RNAi low RNAPII-IP (MG132) CSB-IP CSB-IP (MG132) Chrom. Chrom. (MG132)
ITPR3 2 -0.190 -0.500 1.489 1.835
MAPK14 2 -0.160 -0.350
ITPR1 2 -0.040 0.000 1.489 1.835
ITPR1 2 -0.040 0.000 0.768 0.643
GNA11 1 2.030 -1.240 0.953 0.764 0.108
RAF1 1 2.020 -1.230
PHKA2 0 -0.110 0.540
ASAH1 0 -0.300 0.340
ITPR2 0 -1.020 0.610 0.952 0.981
GNAI1 0 -0.580 0.990 0.116 -0.747
AKT1 0 -0.050 0.700
AKT1 0 0.860 -0.040
PIK3R1 0 1.910 -1.220 -0.441 0.147
EGFR 0 -0.580 0.520 0.513 0.090
GNAQ 0 0.140 -0.310 0.052 0.449
DAG1 0 0.210 -0.400
SRC 0 0.050 0.470 -0.031
CFB 0 -0.380 -0.210

PTM Sites:

Back to Protein Results
Gene name PTM type PTM site UV UV (MG132) Sequence
AKT1 Phosphorylation S124 0.252 0.311 _SGS(ph)PSDNSGAEEMEVSLAKPK_
AKT1 Phosphorylation S126 -0.241 _SGSPS(ph)DNSGAEEM(ox)EVSLAK_
AKT1 Ubiquitylation K301 0.988 _EGIK(gl)DGATMK_
ASAH1 Ubiquitylation K461 0.139 _ESLDVYELDAK(gl)QGR_
BRAF Phosphorylation S151 -0.685 -0.629 _SNPKS(ph)PQKPIVR_
BRAF Phosphorylation S363 -0.023 -0.241 _S(ph)SSAPNVHINTIEPVNIDDLIR_
BRAF Phosphorylation S365 -0.286 0.012 _SSS(ph)APNVHINTIEPVNIDDLIR_
BRAF Phosphorylation S399 -0.890 -0.527 _GDGGSTTGLS(ph)ATPPASLPGSLTNVK_
BRAF Phosphorylation T401 -0.525 _GDGGSTTGLSAT(ph)PPASLPGSLTNVK_
BRAF Phosphorylation S446 0.246 0.349 _RDS(ph)SDDWEIPDGQITVGQR_
BRAF Phosphorylation S447 0.579 0.623 _RDSS(ph)DDWEIPDGQITVGQR_
BRAF Phosphorylation S729 0.208 0.219 _SAS(ph)EPSLNR_
CFB Ubiquitylation K808 -6.292 _VASYGVK(gl)PR_
DAG1 Ubiquitylation K793 0.843 _LTLEDQATFIK(gl)K_
DAG1 Ubiquitylation K794 0.899 _LTLEDQATFIKK(gl)_
DAG1 Ubiquitylation K881 -0.342 _GSRPK(gl)NMTPYR_
EGFR Phosphorylation T693 0.486 -0.139 _ELVEPLT(ph)PSGEAPNQALLR_
EGFR Phosphorylation S991 -0.041 _MHLPS(ph)PTDSNFYR_
GNA11 Ubiquitylation K16 0.347 _(ac)TLESMMACCLSDEVK(gl)ESKR_
GNA11 Ubiquitylation K27 0.292 1.135 _RINAEIEK(gl)QLR_
GNA11 Ubiquitylation K102 0.502 0.512 _ILYK(gl)YEQNK_
GNAI1 Ubiquitylation K92 0.873 0.567 _LK(gl)IDFGDSAR_
GNAQ Ubiquitylation K16 0.245 _TLESIMACCLSEEAK(gl)EAR_
GNAQ Ubiquitylation K102 -0.299 _IPYK(gl)YEHNK_
ITPR1 Ubiquitylation K529 1.377 _EK(gl)GGEGPLVR_
ITPR1 Phosphorylation S934 0.318 -0.802 _KQS(ph)VFSAPSLSAGASAAEPLDR_
ITPR1 Phosphorylation S937 -0.026 _KQSVFS(ph)APSLSAGASAAEPLDR_
ITPR1 Ubiquitylation K1534 -0.220 _TLAMVAK(gl)GR_
ITPR1 Phosphorylation S1598 1.165 0.362 _RDS(ph)VLAASR_
ITPR1 Phosphorylation S1832 0.650 0.560 _VAS(ph)FSIPGSSSR_
ITPR1 Ubiquitylation K2597 -0.819 _NK(gl)NLDWFPR_
ITPR1 Ubiquitylation K2628 -0.010 _ILQDK(gl)LNSTMK_
ITPR1 Phosphorylation S2670 1.132 1.555 _LGFVDVQNCIS(ph)R_
ITPR2 Ubiquitylation K909 -0.247 _LSK(gl)FQDGGNNVMR_
ITPR2 Phosphorylation S1160 0.443 0.895 _GGEEPIEESNILS(ph)PVQDGTK_
ITPR3 Ubiquitylation K529 1.377 _EK(gl)GGEGPLVR_
ITPR3 Phosphorylation S934 0.318 -0.802 _KQS(ph)VFSAPSLSAGASAAEPLDR_
ITPR3 Phosphorylation S937 -0.026 _KQSVFS(ph)APSLSAGASAAEPLDR_
ITPR3 Ubiquitylation K1534 -0.220 _TLAMVAK(gl)GR_
ITPR3 Phosphorylation S1832 0.650 0.560 _VAS(ph)FSIPGSSSR_
ITPR3 Ubiquitylation K2597 -0.819 _NK(gl)NLDWFPR_
ITPR3 Ubiquitylation K2628 -0.010 _ILQDK(gl)LNSTMK_
ITPR3 Phosphorylation S2670 1.132 1.555 _LGFVDVQNCIS(ph)R_
MAPK14 Phosphorylation S2 3.221 3.623 _(ac)S(ph)QERPTFYR_
MAPK14 Phosphorylation T180 0.958 1.087 _HTDDEM(ox)T(ph)GYVATR_
MAPK14 Phosphorylation Y182 1.388 1.374 _HTDDEM(ox)TGY(ph)VATR_
MAPK14 Ubiquitylation K249 0.073 -1.380 _LVGTPGAELLKK(gl)_
PHKA2 Ubiquitylation K286 -0.415 _NEIISK(gl)LQGR_
PHKA2 Ubiquitylation K705 0.064 _DILSVMAK(gl)AK_
PHKA2 Ubiquitylation K707 0.064 _DILSVMAK(gl)AK_
PHKA2 Phosphorylation S729 0.325 _S(ph)LNLVDSPQPLLEK_
PHKA2 Phosphorylation S1015 1.066 0.529 _RFS(ph)ADEQFFSVGQAASSSAHSSK_
PIK3CA Ubiquitylation K864 0.390 0.588 _NSHTIM(ox)QIQCK(gl)GGLK_
PIK3CA Ubiquitylation K868 0.204 0.651 _NSHTIM(ox)QIQCKGGLK(gl)_
PIK3CA Ubiquitylation K974 -0.273 _GAQECTK(gl)TREFER_
RAF1 Phosphorylation S29 0.028 -0.571 _DAVFDGSSCIS(ph)PTIVQQFGYQR_
RAF1 Phosphorylation T31 0.028 -0.669 _DAVFDGSSCIS(ph)PTIVQQFGYQR_
RAF1 Phosphorylation S244 0.053 _YSTPHAFTFNTSS(ph)PSSEGSLSQR_
RAF1 Phosphorylation S259 -0.069 0.054 _STS(ph)TPNVHM(ox)VSTTLPVDSR_
RAF1 Phosphorylation S301 -0.651 _SHSESASPSALSSSPNNLS(ph)PTGWSQPK_
RAF1 Phosphorylation T303 -0.664 _SHSESASPSALSSSPNNLSPT(ph)GWSQPK_
RAF1 Phosphorylation S497 -0.449 _SRWS(ph)GSQQVEQPTGSVLWMAPEVIR_
RAF1 Phosphorylation S621 0.212 0.271 _SAS(ph)EPSLHR_
RAF1 Phosphorylation S642 -0.197 0.463 _AAHTEDINACTLTTS(ph)PR_
SRC Phosphorylation S17 -0.604 -0.689 _S(ph)LEPAENVHGAGGGAFPASQTPSKPASADGHR_
SRC Phosphorylation S75 0.060 0.331 _LFGGFNSSDTVTS(ph)PQR_

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