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RNAi screen result RNAPII IP (MG132) CSB IP CSB IP (MG132) Chrom. Chrom. (MG132) Ubi /Phospo Ubi /Phospho (MG132)

Protein Results:

Results for post-translational modifications (below)
Gene name MGoogle Score RNAi high RNAi low RNAPII-IP (MG132) CSB-IP CSB-IP (MG132) Chrom. Chrom. (MG132)
TCOF1 3 -1.970 3.410 -0.231 -0.248
TCOF1 3 -1.970 3.410 0.562 0.635 0.077 0.240
PSIP1 1 0.070 -0.030 -0.260 0.186 0.823

PTM Sites:

Back to Protein Results
Gene name PTM type PTM site UV UV (MG132) Sequence
PSIP1 Ubiquitylation K6 2.009 _DFK(gl)PGDLIFAK_
PSIP1 Ubiquitylation K65 0.538 0.265 _DIFPYSENK(gl)EK_
PSIP1 Ubiquitylation K67 0.265 _DIFPYSENK(gl)EK_
PSIP1 Ubiquitylation K91 1.359 _VK(gl)FSSQQAATK_
PSIP1 Phosphorylation S105 0.843 0.575 _QSNAS(ph)SDVEVEEKETSVSKEDTDHEEK_
PSIP1 Phosphorylation S106 0.778 0.738 _QSNASS(ph)DVEVEEK_
PSIP1 Phosphorylation T122 1.342 0.978 _EDT(ph)DHEEKASNEDVTK_
PSIP1 Phosphorylation S129 0.838 0.918 _ETSVSKEDTDHEEKAS(ph)NEDVTK_
PSIP1 Ubiquitylation K135 1.360 _ASNEDVTK(gl)AVDITTPK_
PSIP1 Phosphorylation T141 -0.754 0.009 _AVDITT(ph)PK_
PSIP1 Ubiquitylation K143 1.222 _AVDITTPK(gl)AAR_
PSIP1 Phosphorylation T272 -0.086 _TGVTST(ph)SDSEEEGDDQEGEK_
PSIP1 Phosphorylation S273 0.519 0.996 _TGVTSTS(ph)DSEEEGDDQEGEK_
PSIP1 Phosphorylation S275 0.876 0.849 _TGVTSTSDS(ph)EEEGDDQEGEK_
PSIP1 Ubiquitylation K360 0.465 _IHAEIK(gl)NSLK_
PSIP1 Ubiquitylation K364 0.601 1.008 _NSLK(gl)IDNLDVNR_
PSIP1 Ubiquitylation K401 0.922 _HTEMITTLK(gl)K_
PSIP1 Ubiquitylation K424 0.779 _STMLYNKFK(gl)_
PSIP1 Phosphorylation S522 -0.176 -0.100 _ETEIS(ph)LKDSTLDN_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S153 0.017 0.008 _TVANLLS(ph)GKSPRK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S156 -0.143 -0.271 _TVANLLSGKS(ph)PR_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation T168 -0.150 -0.291 _SAEPSANTT(ph)LVSETEEEGSVPAFGAAAK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S171 -0.009 -0.319 _SAEPSANTTLVS(ph)ETEEEGSVPAFGAAAK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation T173 -0.095 -0.774 _KSAEPSANTTLVSET(ph)EEEGSVPAFGAAAK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S229 0.299 0.206 _ASSVS(ph)TKESPARK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation T230 0.667 _ASSVST(ph)KESPARK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S233 0.678 0.440 _ASSVSTKES(ph)PARK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation T249 -0.318 -0.148 _VGDVT(ph)PQVK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S375 0.402 0.388 _TSQVGAAS(ph)APAKESPR_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S381 0.138 -0.097 _AASAPAKES(ph)PRK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S503 -0.705 -0.696 _S(ph)PQVKPASTMGMGPLGK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation T533 -0.351 -0.618 _VGPAT(ph)PSAQVGK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation T581 -0.867 -1.151 _SLGNILQAKPT(ph)SSPAKGPPQK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S582 -0.697 -1.210 _SLGNILQAKPTS(ph)SPAKGPPQK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S583 -0.585 -0.527 _PTSS(ph)PAKGPPQK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S906 -0.124 -0.506 _AALAPAKES(ph)PRK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation T914 -0.746 -0.672 _KGAAPT(ph)PPGK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S1004 -0.550 -0.134 _S(ph)PAGPAATPAQAQAASTPR_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S1019 -1.826 -2.344 _SPAGPAATPAQAQAAS(ph)TPR_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation T1020 -1.928 -2.528 _SPAGPAATPAQAQAAST(ph)PR_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S1110 -0.328 -0.294 _KQEGPATQVDSAVGTLPATS(ph)PQSTSVQAK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S1148 -0.197 -0.145 _TQPSSGVDSAVGTLPATS(ph)PQSTSVQAK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S1264 0.678 0.451 _LDS(ph)SPSVSSTLAAK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S1265 0.630 0.536 _LDSS(ph)PSVSSTLAAK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S1294 -0.196 0.220 _QEAKPQQAAGMLS(ph)PK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S1387 0.202 0.572 _RKLS(ph)GDQPAAR_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S1413 0.285 _LGAGEGGEAS(ph)VSPEKTSTTSK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S1415 0.408 0.363 _KLGAGEGGEASVS(ph)PEK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S1444 2.608 -0.001 _GKGS(ph)LGSQGAKDEPEEELQK_
TCOF1 Phosphorylation S1447 2.418 2.296 _GSLGS(ph)QGAKDEPEEELQK_

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